“Chase Turner left his book at Blessings Bookstore today for me to peruse for a possible BOOK SIGNING EVENT. I’m up late reading on it because I wouldn’t miss hearing our President speak in Monroe. I didn’t go, just listened to every word and prayed for him.
When I started T.R.I.A.L.S., I read 3 pages, and got up to get a highlighter! Our NE Louisiana authors are putting out some GREAT READS!!! Blessings will have these books on our shelves pronto & we will schedule a MEET & GREET very soon! This book will benefit the Kingdom of God!
Chase Turner is a minister and a missionary to all the Spanish speaking world. He also trains regularly for American Ninja Warrior and the St. Jude Marathon, so get ready for a blessing AND a challenge! It’ll be a quite an eye-opening journey from anxiety to peace using his acrostics. Besides TRIALS, there’s another great acrostic closing each chapter, MAP, which stands for Motivation, Advice & Prayer.
I’m telling you brothers & sisters, this could be a life changing book for you!”
– Sarah Kelley